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LEF Grant Program




Do you have a great idea that will help expand opportunities for student success?  The LEF Grant Program is here for you!


The LEF Grant Program gives Ladue School District staff the opportunity to apply for grant funds for ideas that foster student success.  The LEF board members, volunteers, and donors view themselves as partners with district staff, working together to achieve our common goal.


When can you submit a grant application for possible funding?

New for the 2024-2025 school year, the LEF Grant Program will consist of one grant cycle which provides funding in February.

Grant Cycle Calendar:  Open now through January 6, 2025 - Funding announced in mid-February, 2025.


How is the grant program being run this year?

Applicants complete a single, question driven, online, grant application.  The online application must be submitted by the deadline including a completed "Paragraph of Support" questionnaire from a school or district administrator. 


What kind of grant ideas is the LEF looking for?

The LEF board requires that all ideas submitted for consideration align with district objectives, as well as one or more of the following LEF Mission areas:

  • Advance excellence in the Ladue School District

    • Provide Innovative Academic Programming

    • Support optimal learning environments

  • Enhance the Ladue School District legacy

    • Engage our more than 20,000 alumni

    • Support alumni connections in the school community

  • Engage and strengthen our communities

    • Bring together students, families, faculty, alumni, businesses, and our community

    • Collaborate with District organizations

    • Create a strong volunteer corps

    • Encourage respect and appreciation for all peoples


How do you submit an LEF grant application?

The LEF grant application can be accessed through the LEF Grant Program ONLINE portal and will be listed on your dashboard. 

  • Login to the LEF Grant Program Portal.  (Create a user id if you don’t already have one)

  • Click the “Apply” icon at the top of the screen.

  • Answer all questions in the application sections. The system allows you to save your information while you are working.

  • Download your finalized application to provide to your school administrator for review by email or paper. To download, click on the "Application Packet" button at the top right-hand side of your screen.

  • Complete the "Paragraph Of Support From Your Administrator" section at the bottom of the online form. They will be sent an email review questionnaire. The administrator review must be completed by the application deadline.

  • "Submit" your application.  You will receive a confirmation email once your application is received.

  • Check your LEF Dashboard to see the status of your administrator's review. The status is displayed as "Third Parties". Contact your administrator, if need be.


What are some important tips to make the application process simpler?

  1. Review the grant questions prior to completing the application.  Click HERE for a list of questions.

  2. Your application requires approval from a school administrator. Complete your application in a timeframe that allows time for your administrator to complete the review portion of the application prior to the deadline.  Make your administrator aware of the deadline.


How are funding decisions made?

After the submission deadline, the LEF Board will review all grant applications and make funding decisions. You will be notified as to the outcome of your grant application.


How will I be notified if my grant application will be funded?

You will either be contacted via email or in-person to inform you if your grant will be funded.


If my grant application is funded, how will I access the funds?

You will receive an email with directions on how to access your funds.  You can either get your funds on a P-Card or create a purchase order.


If my grant application is funded, will I be required to provide follow-up information to the LEF?

Yes, we ask that all grant recipients submit an online follow-up report including pictures of your grant in action.  You will receive an email at the end of the school year your grant is awarded asking you to complete the online follow-up report.   The follow-up report includes questions about project impact and outcomes during that school year and has fields for you to include staff and student quotes and pictures.  If your project hasn't started yet, you will be asked to submit another follow-up report the next school year.


Click HERE for a list of Impact and Outcomes Follow-Up questions.


In Conclusion

We encourage you to start thinking of that idea to help expand opportunities for student success. The LEF is honored to work with you to achieve this goal together!


Contact Information

Please contact the LEF Grant Program chairperson at with any questions. The hope is that this process is simple and accommodating. As you work through this process, we would love your feedback, so please feel free to let us know your thoughts via email, phone, or in person!


Good luck! 

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